To know a bit more about me

Woman entrepreneur and business manager, expat several times, mother of 2 children, partner in a multicultural couple, I support people and couples who lost their balance and who need support to get back on track in their personal or professional life.
Having moved often in my childhood, raised in an elitist family without space to express my feelings and my needs, I was lost on a path that was not mine. Gestalt therapy allowed me to reconnect with my emotions, to listen to my body and to believe deeply in the human being and my resilience capacities. In individual therapy and group therapy, I was able to find my place, fully recognize my responsibility for my actions and my life choices.
Having nurtured a special relationship with nature very early on (in the Southern Alps then in Provence), I am particularly sensitive to the way we take care of the environment. For 20 years, I have been supporting companies and administrations to better respect the environment. Whether I am acting as an engineer or as a therapist or coach, I like to contribute to improve awareness on relationships that connect people to each other and to their environment.
“What is important is not what happens to us, but how we respond to what happens to us.”
Jean-Paul Sartre
Trained in Gestalt therapy in France (École Parisienne de Gestalt), I continued my training in New York, where Gestalt therapy has historically taken shape. I had the chance to work with several renowned trainers like Ruella Frank who taught me her approach based on bodily processes (Center for Somatic studies), therapists from Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy and finally the association Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society (EGPS) group therapists. I am passionate about group therapy, the energy and support of a group that enables group members to take giant leaps in their lives. I also like to explore what happens beyond words, through drawing, imagination, movement and dreams.
I am a member of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT) and a signatory to the Code of Ethics of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) and that of the EAGT.
Do you want to take a step further?
Do you recognize yourself in these kinds of situation?
Are you ready for a new beginning?
What about doing it together
on the French Riviera (Nice and Sophia Antipolis) or by skype